Tuesday, September 28, 2010

India Voyage

My voyage to India was pleasant and easy, despite the fact that I had a feeling of impending doom all day on the day of departure. My husband must have been rolling his eyes the tenth time I said something like: “What is the absolute worst that could happen, is it that this is the wrong day or the wrong time and I have the wrong flight itinerary and I have to re-book my flight and it costs thousands of dollars and I have to cancel and I take the T home and walk through the pouring rain?” In any case, the flight went off without a hitch, and I had a little ‘I got a free flight to India’ spring in my step.

I even got a little lady in Heathrow to use a screwdriver to forcibly modify a plug converter I bought so that it works with grounded plugs. The only trouble was with my fellow passengers. Why are there so few good other passengers on any given flight? I fly a lot, and I can’t even think of the last time I completed a trip without some other passenger within a few seats of me causing a problem. Is it really that hard to sit quietly for a few hours without spewing something onto or whacking something into your fellow travelers? I think I need say no more. I spent most of the flight feeling guilty that I forgot to take aspirin before it as I promised one of the doctors I work with that I would, so every hour I got up and did some calisthenics in the aisle while other people stared at me.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you with the calisthenics. Hope the doom-feeling has departed completely! Looking forward to the rest of your chronicle! Best wishes, Kate Wessling
